Ending it with fast fashion

An extremely sad, normally beautiful, always tragic love affair. With fast fashion. As hard as we try to be good individuals and shop less and buck the latest trends, there’s always something waiting to catch us out. When I first started my slow fashion journey with sustainable brands, I was finding it so easy to get sucked back into the trap. But here's how not to...

The leather debate

Leather- the skin of an animal, usually cattle, though skin from any animal can be turned into leather. For some reason, leather does not carry the same negative connotations that fur does. Perhaps this is because fur is killing an animal just to be used for fur and not for food but depending on what your leather is made of that could be the same case. Or do people cry at fluffy mink and chinchilla being killed but not a cow? But we don’t see leather being banned at fashion shows and removed from sale at many stores.

Cotton: organic vs conventional

Organic cotton is a term that you have probably heard thrown around a lot more recently. Whether it’s being used by a sustainable brand or being abused by a non-sustainable brand. But what is organic cotton and how is it different?

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